The Best of Ricardo Silveira
| Air Date: 08-11-24 through 08-18-24
| On-Demand: 08-11-24 through 08-25-24 is the official streaming radio partner for The Sounds of Brazil!
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Brazil is most definitely the land of Samba and Sun, but narrowing the focus to one of Rio de Janeiro’s top guitarists adds more layers to the musical mix.
And if a jazzy style stirs your soul, you’ll feel right at home with this week’s show as we dive deep into our month-long theme, ‘BossaNovaville’.
The Best of Ricardo Silveira
Check out more from Ricardo Silveira with our 10 Questions with Ricardo Silvera. Listen to Ricardo’s role with Legacy & Alchemy and plan ahead for his upcoming birthday. Hint: it’s the same day as Bossa Nova’s Roberto Menescal!
But first, let me start off with a few musical notes of my own:
Catch Up with the latest stories, tips, recipes, events, and more on our homepage! It’s the place to go for all the best stories, music, and insight. We’re adding more events every day! Music, Travel, Friends & Fun! Click here on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
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… Then ‘Listen Live’ to our BossaNovaville streaming channel: All-Bossa, all the time. Brazil’s best music in the classic style! Click here for our streaming directory. Apps, too!
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Make it part of your weekend: The Sunday Brazilian Brunch always serves up three full hours of the softer side of Brazilian song on The Sounds of Brazil’s streaming station this weekend! We’ll sample some of the best and breeziest, along with a request or too! Sundays OnlY! Beginning at 5 am, 9, 2 and 8 pm Central.
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My Producer’s Notes
When drawing up a shortlist of our favorite Brazilian jazz musicians, guitarist Ricardo Silveira is always one of our first entries. He’s earned a reputation as one of Rio’s most admired and respected international musicians.
Born in Rio, Ricardo grew up listening to Bossa Nova, Samba, and the insistent rhythms of Carnival. He’s a graduate of the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston, where he studied alongside jazz greats Pat Metheny and Bill Frisell.
Silveira has played guitar on hundreds of recordings over his 40-year career. He’s recorded with Milton Nascimento, Vanessa Williams, Gilberto Gil, Diana Ross, Moacir Santos, and Gal Costa. It’s a long list including Ivan Lins, João Bosco, Greg Karukas, Luis Avellar, Chico Buarque, and Don Grusin.
That’s just a handful of the talented artists who appreciate Ricardo’s playing.
These days, Silveira’s interests have branched out to include several acoustic trio and duet recordings. He has also taken on the role of producer for Emilio Santiago and newcomer vocalist Liz Rosa. And always with his signature style that has come to define Brazilian jazz over the years.
This week’s playlist includes songs from the jazzy side of the Brazilian music spectrum – all in keeping with our ‘Brazilian Jazzmasters’ theme this month.
Flora Purim serves up some classic Bossa Jazz with Joe Henderson’s sax. Cesar Camargo Mariano reinvents Stevie Wonder’s ‘Send One Your Love’ while Italy’s Caibedo Island dips into the next-gen stream for their ‘Sensual Bossa’.
Plus Vanessa Williams, Marisa Monte from her latest album, and Marcela Mangabeira’s drift-away anthem ‘Voo Sobre O Horizonte’ (Fly Above The Horizon).
A cool breeze in Summer, and a warm wind when the weather turns cold – you’re just a click of the LISTEN LIVE button away from The Sounds of Brazil! Always fresh and always changing to help make the time you spend with us go along smoothly.
I hope you’ll enjoy the show.
Scott Adams
The Best of Ricardo Silveira
Hour 1:
Set 1: The Sounds of Brazil Opening Theme
Small World<>Ricardo Silveira/Small World
Sensual Bossa<>Caibedo Island/Caibedo Tale
Mas Que Nada<>Tamba Trio/Serie Aplauso
Welcome to the Lounge
Ainda Bem<>Marisa Monte/O Que Você Quer Saber
Special Announcement
One Note Samba<>Quincy Jones/Big Band Bossa Nova
Set 2: Introduce Our Next Set
Francesa<>Ricardo Silveira/Storyteller
Bird of Paradise<>Djavan/Bird of Paradise
Introduce Next Song
August Day Song<>Bebel Gilberto/Tanto Tempo
Voo Sobre O Horizonte<>Marcela Mangabeira/Simples
Pepe<>Ricardo Silveira/Small World
Set 3: This Week’s Spotlight Song:
Somos Todos Iguias Neste Noite<>Alexandra Jackson/Legacy
Rio<>Antonio Adolfo/Bossa 65
Bein’ Cool<>Djavan/Puzzle of Hearts
The Best of Ricardo Silveira
Hour 2:
Set 1:
Helwa Ya Baladi<>Roberto Toli/Colors
Welcome To Our Second Hour
Love Reborn<>Flora Purim/Butterfly Dreams
Viver Em Paz<>Ricardo Silveira/Outro Rio
Eu E A Brisa<>Johnny Alf/Eu E A Brisa
Special Announcement
Ponteio<>Astrud Gilberto/Gilberto & Turrentine
Set 2: Introduce Next Set
Estação<>Patricia Talem/Sorte
Só De Você<>Patricia Talem/Patricia Talem
Introduce Next Song
Green Eyes<>Marcos Ariel/My Only Passion
Guarapiranga<>Toco/Outro Lugar
Rio<>Café Jam/Moio
Set 3: Introduce Final Set
Não Me Balança Mais<>Emilio Santiago/De Um Jeito Diferente
Bom Dia<>Roberto Vally/Boom Boom Boom
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Next Week: Our next stop in BossaNovaville brings us a musical salute to singer Emilio Santiago. Don’t miss this show!!
Whether it’s your radio, your computer at work, or your tablet or smartphone, thanks for tuning in! I really appreciate it, and please tell a friend or two about us.
And don’t forget about our weekly broadcasts in Chicago, Sundays at 2 pm on 90.9 FM WDCB.