| Air Date: 05-19-24 through 05-23-24
| On-Demand: 05-19-24 through 06-02-24 is the official streaming radio partner for The Sounds of Brazil!
This two-hour program airs 4X daily on our streaming Station. You are invited to listen, Monday to Friday at 7 am, 3 pm, 6 pm, and midnight Central Time (US). Weekend times, too:
- On The Radio: Listen to The Sounds of Brazil every Sunday, 2-4 pm on Chicago’s 90.9 FM WDCB and streaming live at
- On-Demand: Click here to listen to this program anytime: through June 2, 2024.
- Sign up for our emails on music, travel, friends & fun. Click here to like us on Facebook.

Daily Listening Schedule | Time Zone Converter | Brazil Back2Back On Demand
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Any trip to Rio has to include lunch with Marcos Ariel. Truth be told, some of my most memorable meals in the Zona Sul include the easy-going keyboardist. Last time, he shared the thought of a permanent move here, but those plans are on hold, for now. So be sure to reacquaint yourself with one of Brazil’s most life-loving and gregarious musical personalities this week.
It’s always fun with Marcos and his music, especially when he has a new album to enjoy. You’ll hear a song from his upcoming album in our Spotlight segment at the end of our second hour. You’re sure to enjoy ‘Copacabana Lush Night’!
In Rio, Marcos Ariel is known as a ‘Carioca da Gema’ (no, not that famous bar in Lapa; that’s a different story…). He’s a true carioca, not just by birth but most importantly because of his spirit and zest for life. And as so many of his longtime fans know, these qualities carry over into his music.
Always quick with a smile and a story or two, Marcos Ariel’s warm smile and his easy-going nature have picked up a new fan base – and a new hobby. It turns out that he’s quite a gourmet when it comes to the art of pizza. In fact, his hand-tossed pizza parties have become a popular invite in Zona Sul.
Just think: Great pizza and Brazilian jazz. What could be better?
Happy Listening,
Scott Adams, Program Host
This Week’s Programming Tips
Love the music? Like our page at Facebook. Click here then share The Sounds of Brazil with your friends. You’ll have my thanks!
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Make a date with the Events page at Connect Brazil: Live music, a new restaurant, outdoor party, or an art show, chances are you’ll find it on our website, or add it yourself… it’s always free! And we’re adding more every day! Music, Travel, Friends & Fun! From our home page on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
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Feed your Inner Bossa by experiencing the life and times of Bossa Nova’s birth in Rio de Janeiro. Bossa Nova’s most important book makes for a great summer read: it’s almost like being there!
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Sunday’s Brazilian Brunch will serve up long sets of summery sambas – the perfect musical backdrop for whatever you have going on this weekend! Only on Sundays at 5 am, 9 am, 2 pm, and 11 pm Central time and only on The Sounds of Brazil’s streaming station from the player.
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Requests pay off because you get to hear your name and song on The Sounds of Brazil, and maybe even win a Brazilian CD for yourself and a friend when I play yours. Request a song, artist, or style when you visit the Lounge to place a request!
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This Week’s Playlist
Hour 1: The Best of Marcos Ariel
Set 1: The Sounds of Brazil Opening Theme
Make This City Ours<>Marcos Ariel/Hand Dance
San Juan Sunset<>Deodato/Love Island
One Note Samba<>Nico Gomez/Lambada Dance Music
Welcome to the Lounge
Dama Sophisticada <>Gal Costa/Gal De Tantos Amores
Special Announcement
No Tabuleiro da Baiana<>Joao Bosco-Daniela Mercury/ Da Licenca
Set 2:
Introduce Our Next Set
Green Eyes<>Marcos Ariel/My Only Passion
Heartbreak<>John Klemmer/Brazilia
Introduce Next Set
If I Fell<>Nando Lauria/Points Of View
Fly To Sardinia<>Roberto Tola/Kon Tiki (CB Edit)
Bossa Nova No Cafe<>Mayumi Kaneyuki/Mayumi Kaneyuki
Set 3: Introduce This Week’s ‘New Music’ Spotlight Song
Copacabana Lush Night<>Marcos Ariel/This Is Bossa Nova
Let’s Get Together<>Brazilian Love Affair/Natura Humana
Saudade<>Thievery Corporation/Saudade
Hour 2: The Best of Marcos Ariel
Set 1:
Assuntos Banais<>Toco/Outro Lugar
Calm<>Marcos Ariel/Magic Eyes
Welcome To Our Second Hour
E Vem O Sol<>Wanda Sa/Vagamente
Leblon<>Adam Dunning/Sunset Monkeys
Feito Pra Voce<>Celso Fonseca & Jussara Silveira/Juventude
Special Announcement
At The Brazilian Café<> Giacomo Bondi/ Bossa do Mar Chill
Set 2:
Introduce Next Set
Out of Time<>Deodato/Summer Samba
Parabens<>Marcos Valle/Gilles Peterson In Brazil
Introduce Next Song
Don Azimuth<>Marcos Ariel/4 Friends
Anchorless<>De’Phazz/Dinner Party
Last Look<>Torcuato Mariano/Last Look
Set 3:
Big Sur Cruise<>Marcos Ariel/Wave Hunter
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“The Best of Marcos Ariel”
Next Week on The Sounds of Brazil!:
How do we deal with accepting Autumn? Keep pretending it’s summer! Join me for two hours of ‘Basia Nova’ and the best songs by the Polish pop star.
I hope you’ll enjoy the program this week, too, and please – tell a few friends about us! It’s always great to share the music.
Whether it’s your radio, your computer at work, or your tablet or smartphone, thanks for tuning in! I really appreciate it, and please tell a friend or two about us.
And don’t forget about our weekly broadcasts in Chicago: Sundays at 2:00 pm Central on 90.9 FM WDCB and
View our streaming station’s daily broadcast schedule here.